Category Archives: Delhi

where to learn and dance Argentine Tango in Delhi

NITIN AGAIN: Sunday 13 March, 5-7pm, Ai restaurant

Add MORE WITTY FIGURES to your repertoire

The good news is that Nitin is staying for a bit and will be giving another class this coming Sunday, 13 March. Last Sunday he showed us in his pedagocial style, how a basic tango figure can be varied in more than a handful ways. The fact that I still remember the whole class tells you something about the take-home value of it.

During the next class Nitin will again show the way to variation and improvisation using the basic tango vocabulary. This is about sophistication for those who strive to excel on the social tango floor. The class will be valuable for dancers of different skill levels.

Note that we aim to start at 5pm.


Ai restaurant, MGF mall, Saket, 2nd floor. Tel: 98102 63567 or 98719 81357.


Sunday, 13 March,  2011, 5–7 pm


Rs. 500

Sign up & Info

It would be great if you could inform ahead of time if you are coming.

Send an email or an sms to +91-98105 21347


TANGO class with NITIN: Sunday, 6 March, 5.30 pm, Ai restaurant

Adding a WITTY FIGURE to your repertoire


a guest teacher well-known to many of us, is in Delhi. For those of you who don’t know him, Nitin, has been seen on the tango floors of this globe for nineteen years now. Wherever on a World Bank assignment you can be sure that Nitin will go scouting for the local milonga if there is one. Whenever in Delhi, he loves to share his passion with his countrymen and women on a pro bona basis.

This Sunday, 6 March, Nitin will give a 2-hour class before the usual milonga at Ai restaurant. Nitin has a soft spot for ”witty” steps. The kind of step that catches the follower with complete surprise yet is one that she can follow. Nitin will share with us one clever, but simple figure with elements of rhythm and musicality. He says that this figure an be managed by dancers of different skill levels.


Ai restaurant, MGF mall, Saket, 2nd floor. Tel: 98102 63567 or 98719 81357.


Sunday, 6 March, 2011, 5.30 – 7.30 pm


Rs. 500

Sign up & Info

It would be great if you could inform ahead of time if you are coming.

Send an email or call at +91-98105 21347




This week the Beginners’ Class has been shifted to Saturday. We will be focusing on ochos, both back and front ochos. The class is at my place in DLF-3, Gurgaon. My place is easy to reach by car from MG-road or from NH-8, or by taking the metro.


My place in DLF-3, Gurgaon

I will provide detailed directions depending upon where you are coming from.


Satuday, 5 March, 6-8 pm


Rs. 500



Should be comfortable. Stay on your feet. Glide on the floor (NOT rubber soles gripping the floor). CARRY the shoes you intend to dance in and change into them at the venue.

Do I need a partner?

No it’s not a requirement.

Sign up & Info

Please inform ahead of time if you are coming.

For further details, and to sign up, send an email or call.

Stina: +91-98105 21347

Tango in Delhi


For those of you have been asking for beginners’ classes, I will teach Argentine tango at my place in DLF-3, Gurgaon – easy to reach by car from MG-road or from NH-8, or by taking the metro. Having covered the foundation last Sunday we will focus on some of the basic ”steps” this time.


My place in DLF-3, Gurgaon

I will provide detailed directions depending upon where you are coming from.

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This Sunday, 27 February, 2011, 6-8 pm


Rs. 500



Should be comfortable. Stay on your feet. Glide on the floor (NOT rubber soles gripping the floor). CARRY the shoes you intend to dance in and change into them at the venue.

Do I need a partner?

No it’s not a requirement.

Sign up & Info

Please let me know if you plan to come.

Send an email or call: +91-98105 21347


Argentine Tango in Delhi


Noora, Economist and Tango Teacher from Washington, DC will give a two-hour class on Sunday, 13 February, before the usual milonga at AI restaurant.

Tango is a bit like mindreading, remarked Noora when we spoke over skype to plan her class. Both the Leader and the Follower are constantly trying to figure out what their partner wants and how they, each in their role, can contribute to make the most of those three minutes together.

Noora promises to provide exercises which will have us explore the energy & tension that’s just right for tango to be smooth, enjoyable and fun.

As a Leader you will get a better handle on how to convey your intention to your Follower with clarity without being pushy. As a Follower you will gain a better sense of what is means to wait long enough and when are you rushing, being too ”helpful” and second guessing your Leader.

As the emphasis is on connection and and communication this class will be useful for all levels of tango dancers.

You may like to check out some of the interesting tango activities that Noora has been involved in in Washington DC at the following link:


AI restaurant, MGF mall, Saket, 2nd floor. Tel: 98102 63567 or 98719 81357.


Sunday, 13 February, 2011, 5-7 pm


Rs 500

Sign up & Info

For questions, and to sign up, send an email or call.

Stina: +91-98105 21347


This Saturday, DelhiTango starts a series of Basics classes at Lok Kala Manch. The class is 3.30 – 5.30 pm. At 7.30 pm onwards there’s a milonga, i.e social tango dancing, at fantastic Ai restaurant. This set of tango classes will be the last ones organised by DelhiTango for a while.

Hope to see you this Saturday in class or at Ai!

With warm regards,

24-25April & 1-2 May
Delhi Tango will be offering a series of basics classes during the following two weekends (Thereafter our venue Lok Kala Manch closes for renovation). The package of eight classes will give freshers an introduction to Argentine Tango. For those already familiar with Argentine tango but with a need to brush up on some aspects it will be possible to sign up for one or more two-hour sessions separately.

Everyone will be encouraged to both lead and follow because we believe that being thus “bilingual” enhances your dancing and understanding of tango regardless of the role that you conventionally dance. We have also found that it is not more difficult and does not take more time to learn both roles. You may compare it to children who without struggle learn two (or more) languages. Naturally, you will have the choice to stay with one role.

Saturday 24 April: 3.30-5.30 pm
Connection & Communication, Lead & Follow, Walking
All forms of couple dance require some connection & communication, lead & follow. But Argentine Tango will simply not happen if these elements are not in place. Think of each dance as a conversation on the dance floor, one you have never experienced before. This is precisely what makes Argentine tango so exciting and yes, challenging, too.

Who will benefit from this class?
– Someone who wants to learn Argentine tango for the first time. You just cannot do without it.
– Any Leader who has experienced frustration at not being able to communicate your intention to your Follower. Or Follower at the receiving end of such miscommunication.
– Anyone who wants to understand why leading is as much about following as about “leading”. It’s usable life skill.

Sunday 25 April: 3.30-5.30 pm
OCHOS, “eights”
Ochos are one of the signature steps of tango. Most commonly the Follower is led to do back ochos, which means she moves back in an S-like fashion. Reversing the direction, the Follower goes into front ochos.

Who will benefit from this class?
– Someone who wants to learn ochos.
– Any Leader or Follower who feels there’s scope for their ochos to be more graceful and enjoyable.

Saturday 1 May: 3.30-5.30 pm
The Classic “CROSS”
Far from the easiest one to lead, but one of the classics. Therefore we will reveal some of the secrets to leading the cross – and following it. Also, it is useful as a transition to other steps, for example the front ocho taught in the previous 2-hour class.

Who will benefit from this class?
– Someone who wants to learn the Cross for the first time.
– Any Leader who has uttered “I wanted to you to cross”, or thought it quietly. Or Follower at the receiving end of the misunderstanding.

Sunday 2 May: 3.30-5.30 pm
Want to impress and surprise your follower? There’s a bagful of steps, which fulfil the requirement of looking and feeling fancy, yet are not overwhelmingly difficult to do.

Who will benefit from this class?
– Anyone who wishes to add to their tango repertoire.
– Anyone Leader who feels he keeps doing the same old things and is looking for inspiration.

Lok Kala Manch, next to India Habitat Centre
From IHC gate no 3:
– Turn left
– Take the first little street left
– Then an immediate right and Lok Kala Manch is on your left.

Each 2-hr class Rs: 600
Series of 4 x 2hr classes Rs 2000

Should be comfortable. Stay on your feet. Glide on the floor (NOT rubber soles gripping the floor). CARRY the shoes you intend to dance in and change into them at the venue.

Do I need a partner?
Not a requirement, but great if you have one.

What if I am one of those with two left feet?
Welcome! Rest assured that you are not the only one with this concern. The good news is that it has not been a problem thus far.

For further details, and to sign up, send an email or call.
Stina: +91-98105 21347


Argentine Tango in Delhi

Weekend Quickstart
This weekend DelhiTango is back at Lok Kala Manch for an introduction to Argentine Tango: 2 hrs on Satuday and 2 hrs on Sunday afternoon. Note that “quick” only refers to starting. Have no illusions, tango is not a dance that you learn quickly. But if the journey is long, it’s also beautiful. From the first moment – if you allow it.

There is inner and there is outer beauty. The Weekend Quickstart will emphasise the inner, which comes from presence, posture, attitude and yes – technique. Hopefully you will leave with your own understanding of why it “takes 2 to tango” and how this conversation on the dance floor comes about.

For DelhiTango’s classes you never have to worry about coming with your own partner. Firstly, because we, miraculously, often have an even gender balance and secondly because every one will learn both to lead and follow. Being “tango-bilingual” gives you a deeper understanding and tends to make you a better dancer.

Lok Kala Manch – next to India Habitat Centre. Call if you need directions.
20 Lodhi Institutional Area

Saturday 27th February, 3-5 pm
Sunday 28th February, 3-5 pm

Rs 600/2hr class; Rs. 1100/4hr weekend

Shoe lecture
Almost forgot. Please carry the shoes you intend to dance in. For further explanation visit the website:

Further information and Signing up for classes
If you have any questions, please call or email. Do make a comittment by signing up ahead of time!
STINA: 98105 21347;

Argentine Tango in Delhi

This week Nitin, DelhiTango’s very special ”Tanguru”, from Washington DC is visiting Delhi and will give two workshops. On Thursday, 29 October, he will teach us about VARIATIONS ON BACK OCHOS. You may discover that there’s more to back ochos than you had imagined. On Saturday, 31 October Nitin will share with us an element of the tango that he himself likes a lot, the DRAGS or BARRIDAS.

Both workshops require you to have done at least the Basics of tango and have spent some time practicing it.

Thursday, 29 October, 7-8.30pm
Saturday 31 October, 5.30-7pm, followed by a Milonga 7-9pm.

Each workshop Rs. 500
For the Milonga bring something to eat or drink

VENUE on Thursday. Saturday Venue to be announced.
6/5 Jangpura B
Going south on Mathura Rd, from Lodhi Road (at the Humayun’s Tomb roundabout)
At 2nd traffic light, having passed GLORIUS or something nursery, where there is a taxi stand and board for Mother Teresa, Missionaries of Charity (and Sahi hospital on the right), turn left. Immediately left again and road will veer right. 6/5 will be on your right.
If you have not been to this place before, it is recommended to pay attention to these directions!

Stina 98105 21347;

If you are one of those who had given up on even trying to find DelhiTango’s website, you might like to have a look now and see how it’s growing piece by piece, thanks to Cornelia’s weekly reminders and Shefali’s initiative and suggestion that we JUST DO IT. Note that the current updates may not have taken place by the time you receive this!

If you want to learn this beautiful and romantic dance Argentine Tango with International Instructors in Delhi, please, contact

May trough June 1




7-10 pm

At Sancho’s (South Extension II, E-3, 3rd fl, same building as the Lacoste store)


SATURDAY, 7.30pm to around 9.30pm

At Tapas (Vasant Continental)


MONDAY (May: 11, 18, 25; June 1)


At Sancho’s (South Extension II, E-3, 3rd fl, same building as the Lacoste store)


MONDAY (May: 11, 18, 25; June 1)


At Sancho’s (South Extension II, E-3, 3rd fl, same building as the Lacoste store)



4 sessions of Classes with Practica after free – Rs 1200


1 Class – Rs 300

1 Practica – Rs 200

1 Class + Practica – Rs 400..

Your Practica Coupons from before will be valid through June 3.


Always at half price


If you feel that you would be able to work with those less experienced than you, then you may attend a Practica at no cost

Why Class & Practica & Milonga?

Each forwards your tango career in a different way and the three combine synergistically to improve your tango. The Class, of course, is for learning, or for being reminded, of key elements and steps… At the Practica you deliberately p r a c t i c e what you have been learning, work at it in other words. At the Milonga you simply enjoy dancing.



MONDAY, 2-3 pm

THURSDAY, 5-6 pm

At Elemention gym, Cyber City, Infinity Tower C.


Free for members

Others Rs. 300/class

Further information and Signing up for classes

If you have any questions, please contact:

STINA: +91-98105 21347 or

For information and questions regarding Elemention contact:

PRIYA: +91-99998 98837