Category Archives: Festivals

International Tango Festival in New Delhi – 5, 6, 7, 8 December 2013

3rd International Tango Festival in New Delhi

2To Tango is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual International Tango Festival at New Delhi. This year we are bringing to you some very special people …Fernando Jorge and Alexandra Baldaque, the European Tango Champions for the year 2011.

We promise you 4 days of non stop tango….workshops , performances , milongas and after parties.

In the Third International Delhi Tango Festival, there will be different themes every night. The Music of the different orchestras will essentially capture the zeitgeist of… the night, and the energy and interactions on the dance floor. The orchestras that will be played will cover all cycles of the tango era starting from the Guardia Vieja (Old Guard) to the different facets of the golden age (Early, Rhythmic, Lyrical and Dramatic). To add a little zest, we will also play sprinkle some modern orchestras from time to time.

DJ Ashwin Ravindranath, Kitu Gidwani and Alexandra Baldaque will be setting the tone for the music in the festival.


For further info please email or call Rakesh Borar (Founder 2ToTango) or Ashwin Ravindranath

Email –

Phone – 98105-26727

Email (Ashwin) –

on facebook:

2ToTango is happy to announce the milonga schedule for the 3rd New Delhi International Tango Festival from the 5th to 8th December 2013. Milonga Details: We bring to you 4 exciting milongas at some of the most amazing floors in Delhi. Milongas are by invitation only except for the last night at Capitol.

Milonga Schedule

2ToTango is happy to announce the milonga schedule for the 3rd New Delhi International Tango Festival from the 5th to 8th December 2013. Milonga Details: We bring to you 4 exciting milongas at some of the most amazing floors in Delhi. Milongas are by invitation only except for the last night at Capitol.

5th December – Curtain Raiser night at the Kity Su – Hotel Lalit. Barkhamba Road. C.P
Performances by 2ToTango and Maestros.
Dress Code: Black Tie. …
8 pm onwards

6th December – Opening night at the Delhi Gymkhana Club – Performances by the maestros at the most beautiful floor in the Capital.
Dress Code: Formal
7.30 pm onwards

7th December – Only for the festival participants and Tango dancers.
For details contact Rakesh Borar (
9.00 pm onwards.

8th December – 8th December – The finale at the Capitol. Hotel Ashok Chanakya Puri. Buffet will be available for Rs. 700.

8:00 PM onwards

Workshop Schedule

We have 10 well thought out topics to choose from at different levels of skill set. Please choose workshops according to your present dancing level. We have clearly specified the level at which each workshop will be taught. We are suggesting a very general guideline to help the participants in choosing the workshops in line with their dancing experience:

Beginner level – People with at least 3 – 6 months experience.
Intermediate level – People ideally should have danced more than a year. Advanced level – 2 years and more.

All the workshops will be conducted at the “Tryst Music Cafe”, Salcon Ras Villa building behind Select City Mall. Saket. New Delhi. We shall be posting the exact venue details shortly as Delhi has elections on the 4th December and some of the days could be dry days before the counting concludes on the 8th December.

Friday 6th December 2013

11.00 – 12.30 pm – Techniques for the couple (Attitude, Posture and Elegance)
( Axes, Posture, dissociation, the importance of keeping the feet together) – Beginner Level

12.45 – 2.15pm – Walks and pauses at the Villa Urquiza style.
( Different techniques of the several types of walks: frontal, lateral, etc. How and when to use the heel or the toe, the importance of a good and opportune flections of the legs) – Beginner Level

Lunch Break till 3.00 pm

3.00 – 4.30 pm – Quality of ball, functionality and comfort of the embrace.
( The different types of embrace inside the dance cylinder ) – Beginner Level

Milonga and Workshop Prices:

Milonga Pass for festival participants.

Early bird – Rs. 2750 ( Attending atleast 6 workshops)

After 20th November – Rs. 3500.

Only Milonga pass ( For people who are not taking workshops or who want to invite friends).

For all 4 days (5th to 8th Dec) Rs. 5000.
3 days – (5th, 7th, 8th Dec) Rs. 4500
Kity Su alone – Rs. 1500
Capitol – Rs. 1500

Please contact Rakesh Borar for making the payments.

More Information : Rakesh Borar – 98105 26727

Workshop Prices:

Workshops are priced at Rs. 1250 each. We have an early bird package of Rs. 6000 for 6 workshops till the 10th of November. It will also entitle you to one free milonga priced at Rs.750. After which the regular price of Rs. 1250 per workshop is applicable.

After the early bird package date, one can avail of a package of 10 workshops for Rs. 10,000. It will also entitle you to one free milonga priced at Rs. 750.

Private classes are priced at Rs. 3500 per hour – ( single/ couple ).

Please send in your payments before the 20th November 2013 to avail early bird discounts. Please contact Rakesh Borar 98105 26727 or Arvind Jain 9873088418 / 01141617890 for making the payments. We endeavor to bring to you the most amazing tango festival ever held in India.

Club rules applicable. The organisers have absolute discretion on not allowing individuals to participate in workshops and milongas in case of unruly or objectionable behaviour.

International Tango Festival Delhi – 23 – 25 November 2012

Festival Details:
2ToTango is delighted to bring to you the 2nd annual international tango festival at New Delhi – 23rd to 25th November 2012. 3 days of intense tango experience with spectacular performances, 12 workshops by 4 internationally renowned teachers. Each workshop will be for 90 minutes. Rod Relucio and Jenny from USA, Damian Thomson and Zannica from Australia constitute our panel of teachers. We shall bring to you 3 milongas at some of the most beautiful locations in South Delhi: Special DJ night by Rod. We will scintillate you with some amazing repertoire of tango music from the traditional tango to tango nuevo . Besides the tango community, do expect the Delhi glitterati to dazzle the milongas.

For more information contact :

Ashwin Ravindranath – 98109 20932
Rakesh Borar – 98105 26727

Milonga and Workshop Details:

Our teachers are Rod Relucio,Jenny, Damian, Zanica. Each workshop will be of 90 minutes. Each workshop is priced at Rs.750. We are pleased to offer an early bird price of Rs. 600 per workshop till the 31st October. Also a package of 6 workshops entitles you to free Milonga pass for the 25th November. A package of 12 workshops gets you one free workshop i.e you pay for only 11 workshops. This is in addition to the complimentary 2nd Milonga. Festival pass comprising 6 workshops and Milongas Rs.5250 and an early bird price of Rs. 4500. – Early bird prices are valid for payments recieved by 31st October.
For payment options please contact –
Ashwin Ravindranath – 98109 20932
Rakesh Borar – 98105 26727 rkborar@gmail.comWe shall have an opening night pre-party at the Delhi Gymkhana Club, 2 milongas (Tango socials) and a private party (all participants will be invited)

As part of our forthcoming 2nd Annual New Delhi International Tango Festival, 2TOTango is pleased to announce the Curtain Raiser Tango Nite at the Delhi Gymkhana Club on the 22nd November 2012. 8.30 pm onwards. Dress Code Formal.

Special wines and some Argentinian Cuisine – Courtesy Argentinian Embassy and Delhi Gymkhana Club, will be served. Please Contact Ashwin Ravindranath 98109-20932 or Rakesh Borar at 98105 26727 for invites to the Gymkhana Tango Nite. Invites are available only for Tango Dancers who are participating in the festival.

Opening Milonga on the 23rd November 2012 will be at Capitol. Hotel Ashok. Chanakyapuri. New Delhi. Milonga Pass – Rs. 1000/ 8pm onwards.- Dress Code Formal. ( Black Tie). Performances by Damian, Zannica and Rod & Jenny. Special DJ night by Rod Relucio.

Private Party on the 24th November. ( By Invitation – would include all the festival participants) 8 pm onwards. Dress Code – Dress to Kill!!

Closing Nite: Milonga Pass for Rs. 500. Venue Capitol – Hotel Ashok
8 pm onwards. A mix of nuevo and traditional music.

Workshop details with Damian , Zannica and Rod & Jenny :

All the workshops will be conducted at “Tryst Music Cafe” , Salcon Ras Villa building behind Select City Mall. Saket.New Delhi. You can choose to do all the workshops. Each workshop is Rs. 750 , ( early bird Rs. 600). If you opt to do 6 workshops then the 3rd Milonga on the 25th Novemeber would be complimenatry. Also If you opt to do 11 workshops 12th workshop would be complimentary in addition to the complimentary milonga,

Details of Workshops

1. Change of weight and how to employ it. What women need to understand.
( Beginner – Intermediate Level) . 23rd Friday 11 to 12.30 – Damian and Zannica

2. Cross System Magic. ( Beginner – Intermediate Level) 23rd Friday 12.45 to 2.15 –
Damian and Zannica

3. Working with the free leg” – leaders and followers ( Beginner- Intermediate Level) – 23rd Friday 3 to 4.30 pm – Rod and Jenny

4.”Circular Movements in close spaces.” ( Beginner – Intermediate Level) 23rd Friday 4.45 to 6.15 pm.- Rod and Jenny

5.”Change directions with Sacadas” ( Intermediate Level) 24th Saturday 11am to 12.30 – Rod and Jenny

6..”Let’s Get Hooked” – Gancho ( Beginner – Intermediate Level) 24th Saturday 12.45 to 2.15 pm -Rod and Jenny

7. Barridas – simple with the close leg, or inside leg. ( Beginner – Intermediate Level) 24th Saturday 3 to 4.30 pm – Damian and Zannica

8. Mercedes Rebote. ( Intermediate Level) ( Intermediate Level) 24th Saturday 4.45 to 6.15 pm – Damian and Zannica

9.”Unexpected Boleos” ( Intermediate Level) 11am to 12.30 pm – 25th Sunday Rod and Jenny

10.”Mixology” – (combination leg wraps, boleos, barridas) ( Intermediate Level) 25th Sunday 12.45 to 2.15 pm – Rod and Jenny.

11. Isolating the lead for 2:1 and 3:1 movements ( Intermediate Level)25th sunday 3 to 4.30 pm – 25th Sunday Damian and Zannica

12. How to create tango comninations and find new ones ( Intermediate Level) 4.45 to 6 .15 pm – 25th Sunday Damian and Zannica

Profile of our Teachers : Rod Relucio , Jen Teters, Damian Thompson

Jen Teters:

As an artist, musician, and Latin dance instructor for many years, Jenny found her true calling in dancing and sharing her understanding of tango. With athleticism and grace, she flows effortlessly through complex movements, always with a strong connection to the music and her partner. Her athletic background and focus on tango’s core movements combine delightfully to create a visually poetic expression of the music and her partner’s lead. Her years as a salsa dancer also contribute a distinctive flavor that is both engaging and entertaining.

Jenny has worked with many of the traditional masters of tango in an effort to refine and develop her tango style. She then in turn works with many students and dedicates herself to helping them develop their own styles and become strong tango followers in their own rights. Her quiet encouragement and easy instruction have helped develop a new generation of talented tangueras in the Chicago area.

Rod Relucio:

Rod has been dancing all his life, and has performed in various venues around the states. Although his background has been mostly in hip hop and street dancing, he has fully committed himself to Argentine Tango. One can still see the lasting influence of his street dancing in his innovative and original tango style. It is also easy to see the coexistence of traditional tango movements and philosophy working in symmetry with a newer nontraditional influence, the end result of which is an eye-catching and entertaining performance. Rod has spent years studying with the masters in Buenos Aires and spends much of his time teaching in his native Chicago. His popular group classes are taught with an eye on encouraging and nurturing individual artistic styles while at the same time stressing the core movements and strong values of traditional tango. His infectious energy and love of the dance have created a large following of students in Chicago.

Jen and Rod started dancing together 3 years ago, and they annually go to Buenos Aires to train with world known teachers and dancers. By fusing their other background dance styles in their tango, it makes their dance quite unique. Their teaching in group and private classes have become very popular in Chicago.


Damian Thompson is based out of Australia. Beginning his dancing many years ago as a professional ballroom teacher and salsa teacher before becoming completely entangled in the web of tango.

For the past 12 years, Damian focused exclusively on Argentine tango and has taught and performed in many places around the world. Where ever Damian dances, there are always those that want him to return to share his technique and passion for this great dance!

In the past 4 years, he has taught in Buenos Aires, Europe, including Italy, Germany, Poland, Holland, Latvia, the USA and Canada. Touring, and teaching with many of the most renowned teachers and performers.

Damian was also invited to perform for The Royal Australian Ballet Company in Melbourne with his parter, Julianne Martens.

Since then, Damian and worked with another amazing teacher, and performer – Hosanna Heinrich. Hosanna was the Australian Stage Tango Champion in 2009. The year in which Damian was the runner up for Stage Tango.

They continue to work together whenever possible and whenever in the same country.

Damian’s style is based on years of learning from many different maestros and tango styles. The teaching is based up on an on-axis style and using the principles of technique to achieve a symbiotic relationship with both the music and his partner.

Damian’s focus when teaching tango, is excellent technique, connection and focus on your partner and the music. With simple, but memorable saying throughout the classes, classes and lessons are easily learned.

Many describe Damian as a very playful, fun teacher. Damian teaches and conveys the basic and essential concepts of the most complex moves in a systematic, logical fashion. As a collaborator in the teaching and development of tango, a provocateur who inspires passion in the art of dancing tango, Damian’s classes are not to be missed!surrounding area.

Festival details:

Auroville “Holi” Tango Festival, 8th to 11th March 2012

Auroville “Holi” Tango Festival, 8th to 11th March 2012

We are very glad to announce the coming of the four day AUROVILLE ‘HOLI’ TANGO FESTIVAL featuring international maestros Pino & Caterina, from Turin (Italy); Antonella, extremely talentuous teacher and dancer from Tuscany (Italy) with Hubert from France, and Jorge (Ecuador) with Aurevan from Auroville!

After Delhi and Mumbai, Auroville, an international township of 2200 inhabitants, will be hosting South India’s very first Tango Festival in March 2012.

Join us on this green plateau, 10km north of Pondicherry, for four days of fun, workshops and Milongas every night!

Workshops will be offered throughout the day; putting a special emphasis on the fundamental basics which allow one to dance anywhere, with anybody – the quality of the embrace, the posture and the interpretation of the music.

Classes of milonga, vals and tango nuevo will be proposed as part of the programme.

Be you from Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai or anywhere else on this blue planet come and join us for four days of intensive tango experience.

For more info check our website:
